Local businesses depend on online local directories and websites like Facebook, Yelp, Bing, Linkedin, and many others to get their address and website listed  for potential customers to find them.

Due to the high number and difficulties of getting listed on each one, there are often inconsistencies, typos, or small differences in these listings which get heavy penalties in google and other search engines.

The best way to make sure your online listings are all one hundred percent accurate is to do a manual citation audit and fix all issues and incorrecting listing.

You would be suprised how small issues like phone number or address changes like Rd vs Road can have an effect on your online presence on directory sites.

That’s why Viral Web Media offers our local citation cleanup service to ensure that your business or office location get’s found in San Jose.  We fix all errors or  issues to ensure that your blog articles and services get found by local search and service requests.

As the primary go-to Local citation cleanup service in San Jose, our local citation services play an important role in getting you the inbound leads you’re looking for.